In this blog, we’re going to get nerdy about clean energy. Consider this a support group for folks who love to talk about their solar panels, time-of-use rates or wind turbine maintenance contracts.

I plan on relating stories about how I chose my electric car, energy storage system and utility rates–for example–along with my experiences. What was it like driving a Tesla Model 3 from Portland, Oregon to Whitefish, Montana? Why don’t I have solar on my roof and a Tesla Powerwall in my garage? And why am I procrastinating about investing in community solar? I’ll wax on about my family members’ and friends’ adventures, too. For example, I’ll explain how New York State helped fund the wind turbine on my brother’s farm many years ago, and why the local utility made it difficult for him to take full advantage of it.

I invite you to tell stories about your experiences. By sharing our opinions about electric vehicles, utility rates, solar energy systems or energy storage vendors, we help others make their own decisions–maybe even more quickly than they would have done without our help.

Be sure to contact me via this form with your tales of clean energy disasters and successes. You can also message me through Linkedin. And send your photos, too. I’ll include your contributions in the blogs I post here.

You can follow my blogs and articles about the clean energy transition on my Linkedin page.

Okay, energy nerds, let’s talk.

–Lisa Cohn

wind energy writing
Wind farm in central Oregon. Photo by Lisa Cohn